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Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA

Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA

Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA, sa gouvernance et l'exercice de ses fonctions (1er avril 2019) :

« The complexity and large size of the Swiss financial system calls for continual upgrading of regulatory and supervisory frameworks and capacities. Considerable progress has been made to strengthen supervision, although important deficiencies remain. To better manage conflict of interest and objectivity concerns, FINMA should have the authority to directly contract and pay audit firms for supervisory audits of banks, and should itself conduct more on-site inspections, especially of the largest banks. In addition, preserving the autonomy of FINMA is critical to maintaining the strong international reputation of the Swiss financial sector and to limiting contingent fiscal liabilities. Increasing the independence of FINMA’s governance framework and upholding its authority to set binding prudential requirements are critical to maintaining financial stability. Progress in strengthening financial-sector safety net and crisis management arrangements has been made, but more work is needed to further improve banks’ recovery and resolvability and to create a publicly-mandated and fully-funded bank deposit insurance agency, in line with international norms. »

Pour en savoir plus

iusnet DB 08.04.2019

Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA

Réglementation et surveillance

Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA

Prise de position du FMI sur le rôle de la FINMA, sa gouvernance et l'exercice de ses fonctions (1er avril 2019) :

« The complexity and large size of the Swiss financial system calls for continual upgrading of regulatory and supervisory frameworks and capacities. Considerable progress has been made to strengthen supervision, although important deficiencies remain. To better manage conflict of interest and objectivity concerns, FINMA should have the authority to directly contract and pay audit firms for supervisory audits of banks, and should itself conduct more on-site inspections, especially of the largest banks. In addition, preserving the autonomy of FINMA is critical to maintaining the strong international reputation of the Swiss financial sector and to limiting contingent fiscal liabilities. Increasing the independence of FINMA’s governance framework and upholding its authority to set binding prudential requirements are critical to maintaining financial stability. Progress in strengthening financial-sector safety net and crisis management arrangements has been made, but more work is needed to further improve banks’ recovery and resolvability and to create a publicly-mandated and fully-funded bank deposit insurance agency, in line with international norms. »

Pour en savoir plus

iusnet DB 08.04.2019


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