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Directives en matière d'outsourcing de l'Agence Bancaire Européenne

Directives en matière d'outsourcing de l'Agence Bancaire Européenne

"The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its revised Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements setting out specific provisions for the governance frameworks of all financial institutions within the scope of the EBA's mandate with regard to their outsourcing arrangements and related supervisory expectations and processes. The aim of the Guidelines is to establish a more harmonised framework for these financial institutions, namely credit institutions and investment firms subject to the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), as well as payment and electronic money institutions. The recommendation on outsourcing to cloud service providers, published in December 2017, has also been integrated into the Guidelines.

In the context of digitalisation and given the increasing importance of new financial technology (Fintech) providers, financial institutions are adapting their business models to embrace such innovations. Some have intensified the use of Fintech solutions and have launched projects to improve their cost efficiency also in response to the intermediation margins of the traditional banking business model being put under pressure by the low interest rate environment. Outsourcing is a way to get relatively easy access to new technologies and to achieve economies of scale.

The new Guidelines, which are consistent with the requirements on outsourcing under the Payments Services Directive (PSD2), the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and the Commission's Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565[1], aim at ensuring that institutions can apply a single framework on outsourcing for all their banking, investment and payment activities and services. Such a framework also ensures a level playing field between different types of financial institutions."

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Information :  le contenu de ces directives sera développé ultérieurement.



iusnet DB 25.03.2019

Directives en matière d'outsourcing de l'Agence Bancaire Européenne

Réglementation et surveillance

Directives en matière d'outsourcing de l'Agence Bancaire Européenne

"The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its revised Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements setting out specific provisions for the governance frameworks of all financial institutions within the scope of the EBA's mandate with regard to their outsourcing arrangements and related supervisory expectations and processes. The aim of the Guidelines is to establish a more harmonised framework for these financial institutions, namely credit institutions and investment firms subject to the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), as well as payment and electronic money institutions. The recommendation on outsourcing to cloud service providers, published in December 2017, has also been integrated into the Guidelines.

In the context of digitalisation and given the increasing importance of new financial technology (Fintech) providers, financial institutions are adapting their business models to embrace such innovations. Some have intensified the use of Fintech solutions and have launched projects to improve their cost efficiency also in response to the intermediation margins of the traditional banking business model being put under pressure by the low interest rate environment. Outsourcing is a way to get relatively easy access to new technologies and to achieve economies of scale.

iusnet DB 25.03.2019


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